God Save the …

Alien Ant Apocalypse
6 min readFeb 12, 2022

Hey Survivors, this is Chris reporting on some groundbreaking news from the #SurvivorServer. Charlie’s taking a break, so no more Ant codes (for now?). Still no word on Jarold.

We have some more insights into the Ants’ organization and leadership. I’m broadcasting this LIVE from the Survivor Server for anyone tuned in and listening.

We have a new up-and-comer in the server, an unknown Soldier in our ranks who’s proved himself in the line of duty. He goes by the moniker of “Pacific,” and no one knows much about him; he doesn’t talk much at all. We think he might be from the West Coast.

Anyway, Pacific was out doing some recon for us in the woods and caught a few Worker Ants by surprise ‘doing something to the trees’. Without hesitation, Pacific squashed the buggers with his trusty rifle. He also noted that they “froze” in his presence.

He says that immediately afterward, he was transported through a “wormhole” of some kind and had a vision. He says it was highly vivid, and his body and mind both appeared to be physically present. It reminds me of this “astral traveling” that I’ve experienced of my own.

He described himself in an extraterrestrial meeting room of some kind, with pale green light glowing dimly, and the shimmering black, red, and yellow figures of Ants placating themselves in front of a Royal Couple:


Pacific described seeing the “Alien Ant King” that we’ve had reports of, and another, MUCH more giant Ant, whom he says is the “Queen. He described her as being much larger than even the King himself, approximately 20ft in height (or ~6meters), but put together more “delicately” than the other Ants. Based on this report, I can only assume that this may be the only Alien Ant female in existence.

Pacific described himself feeling an unwilling Love towards her himself. As if his Love was compelled or required of him. He said that he began to have feelings of devotion and loyalty to Her to the point of sacrificing his own life to Save Her. As he watched, he says he could “hear” the Ants talking (chittering) and that their “words” were being transcribed to him in this way:

“Yes, Anthorrax, my dear King, tell me why this meeting has been requested; I thought my orders were unequivocal.”

My Queen, the Leaders have assembled to request a hearing. I could not Will them to abandon their request; Your Will be done.”

“Let one of them speak, then.”

“My Love, I introduce to you Desledthoraxx, the Leader of the Leaders.”

“My Lovely Queen, Your Will be Done,” a tall and dignified Ant ambulates to the Podium to speak to the Queen.

“Yes, It Will,” she replied. The air of authority exudes from her presence.

My Queen, we have requested total extermination of the humans from the Planet Earth. I and the majority of the other Leaders agree that if we leave a single one alive, they will repopulate and destroy that beautiful planet once again.”

“That was not my Will,” said the Queen, with terse powerful “words”.

“B-b-but, My Queen, I thought that maybe,” Desledthorax trembled his reply.

SILENCE!” she shrieked her reply, and Pacific said that he felt the most terrifying emotion he had ever experienced in his life. Whatever Death was, it would have been preferable to the sensation that overcame him in the presence of the Queen’s anger.

“I do not condone Genocide! I have told Anthorrax, and the rest of you, extermination is not the answer! Instead, we will reduce their numbers and make their habitat naturally and organically sustainable. We will build a Colony and oversee their progression. They will understand that we have acted in their own best interest in the decades to come.”

Desledthoraxx knelt before the Queen and quickly disappeared into the crowd of Ants, having been admonished. Anthorrax knelt before her as well and said, “My Queen, Your Will be done. I will see that the Leaders never ask such ridiculous questions again. I will continue exterminating only the most problematic elements of human society, as your Will demands.

My Loving King, make haste and see to it immediately. The Hive needs the Earth, and the Earth needs the Hive.

Pacific said his vision ended there, and he “awoke” in the forest.

As many of you know, I was a history scholar at the university and a student of anthropology.

(For those of you who don’t know, Anthropology has nothing to do with Ants! It’s the study of Humans!)

It seems that the Ants aren’t entirely different than us, appearing to have individual conscious wills. We can glean from Pacific’s story that not all of them think precisely the same and have opinions of their own. Here are a few more conclusions that I’ve drawn:

  1. This is the second report of a vivid hallucination/vision after the massacre of ‘innocent Worker Ants’ wherein the Ants’ behavior and motives are expressed to the person having the experience. This may be their only way of communicating with us. Think of it this way, how would YOU as a human talk with an Ant? No, I mean, an EARTH Ant? How would you do it? They don’t have ears, so talking wouldn’t work, right?
  2. The structure of the Ants’ organization is now transparent. The Ant Queen directs the Hive by her “Willpower” (some sort of supernatural or metaphysical force?). The Ant King delegates Her Will to the Leaders, and the Leaders disseminate their Will to the Soldiers and Workers. However, there is still some speculation as to how this balance of Willpower actually works; and if the collective Willpower of the Workers may be a force worth reckoning.
  3. The Queen apparently has no ill-will or hatred towards humanity. Her motives may be to save the human race (and the Earth) by killing us before we destroy ourselves. If this is the case, making peace with (or eliminating) the Queen (not the King) is paramount. If we kill the King, there is no reason not to believe that he could be easily replaced by another willing suitor.
  4. Pacific said that the Workers were “doing something” to the Trees. After further questioning, he said they appeared to be collecting samples and “injecting fluids.” Perhaps they are measuring the health of the planet by measuring the health of the Trees? Are they “vaccinating” the Trees or upgrading their DNA somehow? I don’t know; I’m not a botanist.

Bonus speculation (thoughts from my own mind, forgive me): but, what is Love, really? Is it not an immaterial force with immense power that compels us to do things that we’d rather not? If so, what better way to control people or organize a society? Perhaps we humans have a thing or two to learn about LOVE from the “Intergalactic Genocidal Motherf*cking Alien Ants”? Love seems to be the very force that binds them together harmoniously and efficiently. The centralized devotion to the singular female, whose adoration commands an interstellar Army of billions.

It’s a lot of speculation on my end, forgive me, but I’m just using my own experience and intuition. You can draw your own conclusions about the Ants’ intentions and motivations if you will. Perhaps Pacific really just had too many shrooms the night before. It’s anyone’s guess, but this is the second report of this kind (you should read “Victoria’s Message” for more on the first); I’m inclined to believe they have our own best interests at heart despite how fatal their approach may be.

There are also more questions about “repurposing” and what it really is. The latest theory is that humans are somehow transmogrified into Worker Ants. If so, are they reborn with a new soul? Does their soul transfer into the new body? Do they still retain any semblance of “humanity”? The rabbithole just keeps getting deeper, my friends.

I will always continue reporting to the #SurvivorServer the more that I learn.


May God have mercy on all of our souls,


former Professor and Scholar of Ancient History at the Ohio State University, USA, in the year of our Lord- Two Thousand and Twenty-Three.

