The Alien Ant Apocalypse

Alien Ant Apocalypse
5 min readJan 27, 2022

It is 2023, and I am writing this from my underground bunker. I don’t know much time I have left before the Ants find me. You may be the descendant of a survivor, reading this a hundred years from now, or perhaps an extraterrestrial record keeper… but this is my story.

They came from the sky, swiftly and suddenly. There was no warning, no diplomacy, no parley. Our best satellites, astronomers, airmen, scientists, and the military never saw it coming. They came in total stealth.

There wasn’t much pandemonium, honestly. No one had time to panic, much less prepare. I was a bit of a prepper, but I always thought humanity would destroy itself.

Some of the other survivors on the Ham Radio like to philosophize or try to figure out who the Aliens are, what they are, where they’re from, and why they came. Our best theory is this:

As evidenced by the starships, they are a humanoid/insectoid race from a planet not our own. Some people think they are here to replace us and colonize our planet. Others think they came to save the world from ourselves. The latter theory is because the only animals they appear to have killed are humans. The Apes, the Monkeys, the Birdz, Geckos, and every other animal species seems to have not only survived- but thrived. So are they space invaders, or are they space saviors? This topic has been debated hotly over the Ham. Some say it is the best thing that ever happened to the Earth, but I’m guessing the people that said that were already bitter and alone- perhaps they didn’t lose their family, as I did.

It wasn’t an EMP, it wasn’t Nuclear War, it wasn’t World War 3, it wasn’t Global Warming, it wasn’t an Asteroid:

It was the Alien Ants.

This nightmare I’ve been living through is known colloquially as “The Alien Ant Apocalypse.”

I was a university scholar before the proverbial crap hit the fan. I studied Ancient History. Now I’m writing it. I’ve learned and observed them the best I can from the bunker, and I can tell you a little about what they look like, but where do they come from? Not a clue. We assume they are from the same Galaxy as us, but even that is just a wild guess.

When standing, they are six feet and six inches tall on average, or 2 Meters if you’re not an American like me. They’re definitely stronger and swifter than we are. I have personally watched them lift full-size vehicles over their heads and throw them. They’re magnificently strong, and when they “run,” they drop down into what I call “scuttle mode” using all 6 appendages. Their average speed equals Usain Bolt (the Jamaican Gold Medalist) or better. Some think their native planet may have higher natural gravity than ours, lending them their apparent strength. I personally think it’s due to their physiology.

Alien Ant in “scuttle mode” | artist unknown

Their weapons of choice appear to be PLASMA rifles, pistols, and sabers. When these fail them or are disarmed (which I’ve only seen happen once), they will use their claws and mandibles to rip and shred their human targets.

They do not appear to enjoy inflicting pain or torture on their victims, and hatred does not seem to drive them- they seem oblivious to these base emotions. They shoot to kill and take no prisoners. They act in unison as an extermination squad. Is it genocide of the Human Race? Most definitely.

I don’t know how many of us humans are left; my best estimates at this point are probably less than 100,000 on the entire planet. There are only six of us over the whole radio band that I’ve contacted, and I haven’t heard from Charlie or Dave in over 2 weeks. The last time I spoke with Dave, he was somewhat despondent and had been taking up drinking his stash of whiskey. I think Dave’s fate may have been self-inflicted. This was a common occurrence, especially among many of our last remaining women. They couldn’t bear the thought of being shredded by those terrible claws (although it was not their weapon of choice) and so chose to swallow pills or suffocate themselves. The men usually blew their brains out.

There are reports that the Alien Ants have left alone specific tribal populations and targeted only the “civilized world,” which gives further credence to the “savior” theory. Perhaps they ARE here to save us from ourselves, but I can’t say for sure since I haven’t spoken to one. The only thing I am focused on at this point is maintaining the record of the Ant Apocalypse (or #Antacalypse as some say) for future generations or extraterrestrial history scholars (how ironic).

Other *distant* observations I’ve made:
1. There appear to be several “races “or subspecies with different roles.

2. They appear to act as a Hive mind, moving “as one.” Their behavior is highly uniform but orchestrated in a hierarchical fashion — there appear to be “Leaders” that direct the “Soldiers” — which make all the killing. There are also what seem to be “Workers” that may assist in, let’s say, digging a hole in my bunker so the Soldiers can get in.

3. After Soldiers terminate humans, the Workers come in and clean up the remains; we still aren’t sure what they do with them. Some speculate that we are just a food source for them. I’ve never actually seen one eat anyone (or anything, for that matter), so I’m hesitant to believe that. I think that perhaps we are … reprocessed in some way? Maybe liquified and turned into biofuel? I’m not sure which is worse.

As of this writing, it is late January 2023. I have enough food and water to last until about April. At that point, I’ve got an old six-shooter I keep close by this desk.

There’s no going outside. Call me a coward, but I don’t want to be shredded either. Based on the terrible screams I’ve heard, the plasmas are not precisely painless, either. Nope, I’ll take matters into my own hands; if I die, it’ll be by my hand, and not the aliens.

If you’ve ever seen them yourself, you’d know there’s no fighting back.

They’re smarter, faster, stronger, and we never stood a chance. Besides, I am sickly and emaciated, and I haven’t seen sunlight in over a year, except through the video cameras. I’ve got a few bullets and a revolver; what could I possibly do? I’ve never even seen one shot and killed- the best fight I’ve observed is when humans laid clever traps or bombs — but generally, even those tactics failed. The Aliens seemed to be able to sniff out and defuse these traps. The Ants’ sense of smell seems to be as good as dogs’ or better. In fact, that’s how a lot of humans have been found in their hiding spots.

So you see? It’s hopeless. The Alien Ants have taken over. There was never any stopping them, and there’s nothing we could have done to prepare for what Charlie likes to call “the Antkrieg.” Charlie was an old WWII buff, so I forgave him for that terminology.

That about wraps it up for this blog entry. The more that I find out, the more that I will post.

May God have mercy on all of our souls,
Chris Kyle

former Professor and Scholar of Ancient History at the Ohio State University, USA, in the year of our Lord- Two Thousand and Twenty-Three.

